During our visit to the Netherlands, we visited a Dutch mill. Mill de Ruiter in Vreeland.
This mill is run by volunteers, one of these volunteers is Karen a guest who regularly comes to sculpt with us in Saint Bérain. We had the idea to meet her other hobby miller!
On a cold Saturday afternoon, we were given extensive tours of an old wind mill that has been converted into a grist mill. Incredibly interesting and impressive to see how a mill functions. Nice to meet the all the other millers who keep this heritage running. You can visit the small store in the mill every Saturday to buy flour. We fell head over heels, during our visit we could taste the first speculoos cake still warm from the oven.
The mill is beautifully situated on the Vecht River and can be visited every Saturday.
Mill de Ruiter Nigtevechtseweg 24, 3633 XT Vreeland. www.korenmolenderuiter.nl