Everyday Canvas Scape! As a landscape painter in 2024, I challenged myself to create a new painting every day, capturing the nuances of light, color, texture and seasonal changes. This project, which I share through my Instagram account @everydaycanvasscape, offers a glimpse into my daily artistic development. Each work is uniform in size 32 cm. X 24 cm. One Canvas a Day, One Year Long: At the heart of Everyday Canvas Scape is the commitment to produce a new painting every day. For 366 days, I capture not only the different landscapes, but also the various emotions and experiences I undergo during this process. The uniformity in the format of the canvases gives the project a cohesive aesthetic.Each day has its own story, influenced by the seasonal changes, moods and inspirations I encounter. Whether it is the vibrant colors of spring, the warm tones of summer, the rich hues of autumn or the cool atmosphere of winter, my Everyday Canvas Scape documents the evolution of nature throughout the year.
Curious about the progress of my painting project? Visit and follow my Instagram account @everydaycanvasscape